Friday Night Funkin' - Week 6 Update - Hard Difficulty + Dialogue -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Week 6 Update – Hard Difficulty + Dialogue

Marius Urucu
Views: 3422283
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Friday Night Funkin’ made by ninjamuffin99:

So Week 6 just rolled by and it features a retro 16-bit aesthetic as well as DEEP LORE. And I avoided the leaks as much as possible prior to the official release and I’m glad I did, because I was definitely surprised. Also, this is the first instance in a week were the 2nd song is harder than the 3rd.

As for the songs in question, I love them all, thanks in part to the Genesis-like chiptune. I especially like the 2nd and 3rd song.

When it comes to difficulty, it’s definitely harder than Week 5, though I still think Week 4 is the hardest so far. Excuse the somewhat sloppy moments, I’m still no expert at FNF, not helped by the fact that I had to work 2 shifts almost back to back (in the past 30 hours, I worked 19, overtime included…), so fatigue did took it’s toll on me…

Featured songs are Senpai, Roses and Thorns.

Anyways, please enjoy the video. 🙂

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