Friday Night Funkin' VS Tails.EXE FULL WEEK (FNF Mod/Hard) (Creepypasta/Horror/Tails EXE Mod) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails.EXE FULL WEEK (FNF Mod/Hard) (Creepypasta/Horror/Tails EXE Mod)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails.exe (Full Week) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle Tails from Sonic.exe. VS Tails.EXE Full Soundtrack:

This is a pretty scary mod, just when you thought Tails was going to be alive for good the lights turn off, and here’s come sonic.exe killing tails off. This exactly happens in the original sonic.exe game. We’ll be playing all vs Tails.EXE mod on very hard for all songs. Will Boyfriend and Girlfriend defeat Tails.exe and Sonic.exe in a rap battle or will BF and GF lose to these sonic Characters?

Tails Story from Sonic.exe: Tails encounters Sonic at the end of the HILL ACT 1 level, Sonic standing completely still and with his eyes closed. When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, Sonic’s eyes opened, identical to the Sonic on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message “Hello. Do you want to play with me?” In the next level, “HIDE AND SEEK”, Sonic chases Tails, the latter flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black. Poor Tails didn’t get a good ending. Something similar happens in this Tails.exe FNF Mod.

VS Tails.EXE Mod Download:

Game Note For Vs. Tails.exe full week FNF mod: I’ve always wondered how a Tails.EXE full week would be and I decided to do it myself! v1.5 soon. Tails design is exactly like the Friday Night funkin Triple trouble but they aren’t dead video.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails Doll Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview, but scary
00:16 Tails.EXE Intro
00:36 All Weeks
00:47 Chasing Song (Tails.exe vs BF)
01:47 Sonic Kills Tails
02:55 Darkness Song (Tails.exe vs BF)
04:42 Sidekick Song (Xenophanes Sonic & Tails.exe vs Boyfriend)
06:08 Tails.exe Helps out
06:50 Xenophanes Sonic & Tails Teams up
08:28 Octane Song (Tails chokes on a chili dog vs BF)
10:41 All Songs list
10:46 Credits
10:54 What happens if you miss the warning notes?
11:03 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Tails.EXE below
VS Tails.EXE FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

teles = Coding, art(?), music:

Tr1NgleBoss – Coding help, engine:

HarryLTS – Charting:

P.R. – Remastered tails icon:

BaconMewtwo – Playtesting:

The VS Sonic.EXE team – Made the original mod:

Davidgreen123 – original tails sprite:

Sakurnyaw – Jack-o-Bonnie Gaming 139 YT:

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS SONIC.EXE 2.0 FULL WEEK Sunky.MPEG

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #FNF #VsTailsexe #Tails #Sonic #Scary #FNFMOD #CommunityGame