Friday Night Funkin' VS Real Squid Game Week (FNF Mod/Hard) (Red Light, Green Light) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Real Squid Game Week (FNF Mod/Hard) (Red Light, Green Light)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS The Real Squid Game is a mod by capeletin1 (Week 1, Game 1) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we are actually playing a real squid game inside of FNF. Boyfriend must participate in a survival game called the Squid game and the first squid game we’ll be playing is the Red Light, Green Light game.

The rules are simple: BF must stand with everyone along the starting line, When the Giant Robot Doll says ‘Green Light’ BF can move towards the finish line, but BF must stop going forward before she says ‘Red Light’ or else BF will get the game over screen.

Game Note by Cape: This mod was months in development, we could not launch it due to issues of errors in the code and desinterez, so if you find any errors it could be that. Play red light green light in fnf! With new mechanics included making the experience better!

Mod Creators for VS FNF: Squid Game below
Cape – Code Support, Charter:

Yirius – Coder:

Oz – Background: @ozkzz_

Jhaix – Music:

Zero Animation – BF Sprite:

Red Light Green Light [Squid Game Mod FNF] Download

We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Squid Game songs for week 1. The first Squid Game has 1 song and I’m not sure if it’s going to include the other squid games yet.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Squid Game Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Squid Game Animation Preview
00:14 Intro
00:30 Menu
00:38 Song List
00:41 Welcome to Squid Game (Rules)
01:16 Red Light, Green Light Song (Giant Robot Doll vs BF)
03:33 I think I’m dead
03:39 Outro – CommunityGame

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
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