Friday Night Funkin’ VS Jerry, Tom’s Basement Show 1.75 Bad Ending | FAN-MADE (FNF Mod/Tom & Jerry)
Maxplay Games – Mod Creator:
This is a fan-made version of The Basement Show, it has a few new fanmade
songs & 1 official encore song that was never used in the TBS 2.0 mod. There might be more fan songs in the mod, but it’s hard for me to tell which ones they’re. Most of them seem to be just covers of other songs so I skipped those. The guy who charted all of these songs is also a part of the official TBS team, but the fan song creators are NOT part of the official team. @Maxplay_Games I finally played it.
The Exhausted V2 song was pretty hard so I disable the miss sound effects so the music will still play out perfectly. I’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Jerry songs for the bad ending week plus the other songs. This mouse mod is actually over 5 hours long, but they’re mainly covers so I skipped those. This mouse mod is as awesome as Mickey Mouse.
FNF Vs Jerry The Mouse | Friday Night Funkin’: The Basement Show 1.75 Download:
Pieces (Fan Song) but Playable! | TBS:
Friday Night Funkin’:The Basement Show 2.0 Download:
Game Note by Dev from Tom’s Basement Show V2: This is an fnf mod based on Tom and Jerry’s creepypasta-like Lost basement. Boyfriend and Girlfriend want to buy a house so they meet Jerry the mouse who is selling his home, Jerry then shows BF and GF around his house and take them near a basement. BF and GF.
Mod Reference:
1) Tom’s Basement (Creepypasta) | remake | Part 1 (Same as original Tom’s Basement)
2) Tom and Jerry Lost Episode (Tom’s Basement Full Video):
There will be a Tom’s Basement Show 3.0 in the future.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tom’s Basement Show Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Bad Ending / Message (What if bf lose?)
00:05 Cutscenes 1
00:35 1) Exhausted V2 – Fan Song (Jerry vs BF)
01:53 Flash
02:33 Dialogue
02:51 Confronting yourself
03:47 BF is back
05:08 Bad Ending
06:28 Tom defeated Jerry
06:34 2) Pieces – Fan Song (Tom vs BF)
08:20 GF??? Where is GF?
09:36 Extra Week
09:41 3) Vanishing Encore Song (Official TBS Song, but Unused/Scrapped)
09:53 Transform into their encore design
12:15 Good ending?
12:51 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Tom’s Basement Show V2 Update below
VS Tom and Jerry V1.75 FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Maxplay Games – Charter/Mod Creator for fanmade mod:
The Noob Modder (Breath_Sans) – Exhausted V2:
Johan7545 – FT him in Exhausted V2 (Fan Song):
HeroComicS – Vanishing (Encore Mix)
doge122 – Vanishing V2
VtollguntOfficalguy – Pieces (Fan Song)
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
FNF WEEK 7 All Tankman
FNF VS Corrupted Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Shaggy
FNF: The Basement Show V.1.75 (Update 2 Fan-made)
FNF VS Mickey Mouse – Wednesday’s Infidelity FULL Week
FNF D-Sides Wednesday’s Infidelity (FNF Mod/Oswald/Mickey Mouse)
FNF VS Jerry FULL WEEK, Tom’s Basement Show 2.0 (FNF Mod) (Tom & Jerry Creepypasta)
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2023)
#FridayNightFunkin #VsJerry #TomandJerry #CommunityGame