Friday Night Funkin' Logic: Mid-Fight Masses | Cartoon Animation -

Friday Night Funkin’ Logic: Mid-Fight Masses | Cartoon Animation

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Player and Girlfriend stumble into a terrifying gothic church looking for a bathroom. What they don’t realize is the Sarvente and the rest of the Mid-Fight Masses squad (Ruv, Selever and Rasazy) all are there to make sure Player loses once and for all in this epic Friday Night Funkin’ Logic animation!

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Friday Night Funkin’ is made by ninjamuffin99 (programmer), PhantomArcade (animator), kawaisprite (musician), and evilsk8r (artist)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License.

Dokki.doodlez: Artwork | Animation
Mike Geno: Music | Charting
kuroao_anomal: Programming | Charting | Animation

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