Friday Night Funkin’: Hypno’s Lullaby – Death Toll (Shiny Version)
NOTE: You may NOT use my music without my prior knowledge and consent (including but not limited to; extensions, reuploads)
Title: “Death Toll (Shiny Version)”
Original Artist: Punkett
Origin: Friday Night Funkin’: Hypno’s Lullaby
Thumbnail Credit: rivermusic_
Track Credit: @breakfastsbest
Visualizer Credit: @breakfastsbest, rivermusic_
Here’s the next Shiny Hypno song you guys voted for, Death Toll! I’m not nearly as happy with this as I was with Isotope or am with many of the others, but I think it’s an alright listen still! Functionally, this song would have been similar to FNF’s Erect difficulty, or Encore from Vs. Sonic.exe, they had a *chance* of appearing at some point in the mod, but we never reached a definitive decision about it. Regardless, these will be popping up from time to time for your enjoyment, I’m really proud of some of them! Hopefully you guys will enjoy it too!
Thank you for your time, enjoy the music and have a fantastic day.