friday night funkin gas gas meme
yeah exactly i did it
subscribe lmao
please do be aware this video was made using and might not be 100% accurate
also the predictions are not actually accurate i just added them for fun and for the video
watch my other videos after this
yeah i have no keywords
actually i do hold on
Friday Night Funkin’ is a free-to-play and open-source[1] rhythm game. Developed by a team of four Newgrounds users, the game has a play style that is similar to Dance Dance Revolution and PaRappa the Rapper, with an aesthetic reminiscent of Flash games popular in the early-to-mid 2000s.[2][3]
The game revolves around the player character, simply named “Boyfriend”, who has to defeat a variety of characters in singing and rapping contests for him to be able to date his love interest, “Girlfriend”.
yeah i copied it from wikipedia lmao
if you comment hi and i see the comment im going to put it in the top of the description
#FridayNightFunkin #FNF #Mods