Friday Night Funkin: Darwin’s The Grieving [Hypno’s Lullaby Frostbite] | FNF Mod/Gumball Creepypasta
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The Grieving – Frostbite Hypno’s Lullaby V2 cover by Darwin and Corpse.
Based on @VibingLeafs “The Grieving Re-Take” video demonstrating The Grieving lost episode creepypasta of The Amazing World Of Gumball. In this creepypasta, Darwin and Anais Watterson skipped school and gone missing. They were later found in the wood… This fits Frostbite so much!
Frostbite But Darwin And Corpse Sing It
GoofyLover98 –
Drawoon_ – Frostbite Psych Engine Port
VibingLeaf – The Grieving Re-Take
The Grieving creepypasta
#FNFMod #FrostbiteFNF #TheGrieving
Based on @VibingLeafs “The Grieving Re-Take” video demonstrating The Grieving lost episode creepypasta of The Amazing World Of Gumball. In this creepypasta, Darwin and Anais Watterson skipped school and gone missing. They were later found in the wood… This fits Frostbite so much!
Frostbite But Darwin And Corpse Sing It
GoofyLover98 –
Drawoon_ – Frostbite Psych Engine Port
VibingLeaf – The Grieving Re-Take
The Grieving creepypasta
#FNFMod #FrostbiteFNF #TheGrieving